Dedicated to Media and Information Literacy (MIL), the European project YouVerify! provides teachers, educators, journalists, librarians, young people, but also the general public, with the necessary resources to face misinformation and in particular visual misinformation.
Thanks to the free online training (MOOC), the serious games and the pedagogical materials available on www.youverify.eu, you will develop your competences in MIL and a know-how to recognize in your daily life the difference between authentic and manipulated images and videos.
You will also be able to create your own projects to fight against fake news. In the "News" section of the website , you will discover the latest information on the project such as the launch of the MOOC sessions, the latest training courses, etc.
In the "Resources" section, you will be able to access our serious games and a variety of MIL resources. Throughout the project, new contents to face misinformation and reinforce your critical thinking will be put online on the site.
The YouVerify! project is supported by the European Commission, in the framework of the Media Literacy for All program (2020). Its French component is also supported by the Ministry of Culture and the OIF.
The project is coordinated by Savoir*Devenir and gathers the AFP in France, the UNED in Spain, and the SNSPA in Romania.